Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Can Food Really Be Both Lean and Luscious?

Growing up in typical American homes, I always thought that meats had to be smothered with sauce or gravy in order to taste good. I thought that desserts had to be laden with butter and sugar if they were to have any flavor at all. And, like so many people, I thought that "low-fat" meant "low flavor." Faced with the awesome responsibility of changing my own and my family's eating habits, I was determined to keep the flavor while eliminating fat and calories.

The good news is that it works. Over the years, I have found 3 basic ways to accomplish this goal:

1. Choose healthful cooking methods: Eliminate deep-frying and sautéing in lots of butter and oil. Healthier cooking methods include steaming, broiling, grilling, poaching, and stir-frying.

2. Rely on herbs, spices, and extracts for flavor. Experiment with the vast selection of flavors that will enhance your food without adding fat.

3. Substitute high-fat ingredients with their low-fat counterparts. Check out the "Use this, not that!" blog post to learn about all of the healthy substitutions you can apply to your recipes at home!

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